Federal Technicians

Army Technician Jobs
Job Title:  Supervisory Human Resources Specialist (MILITARY)
Announcement #: VI-12680693-AR-25-002
Location: Estate Bethlehem, St. Croix                        
Opening: Monday Feb 03, 2025
Closes: Friday Machr 21, 2025
Full Job Announcement
Job Title: Accounting Officer
Announcement #: VI-12350012-AR-24-004
Location: Estate Bethlehem, St. Croix
Opening: Friday, March 15, 2024
Closes: Friday, March 14, 2025  

Full Jobs Announcement
Job Title: Public Affairs Specialist
Announcement #: VI-12347557-AR-24-006
Location: Estate Bethlehem, St. Croix
Opening: Tuesday March 26, 2024
Closes: Tuesday March 25, 2025

Full Job Announcement

  • Q: Do I need to hold the MOS specified on the vacancy announcement under "Military Assignment" to qualify?
    A: NO. The MOS(s) listed on the vacancy announcement under "Military Assignment" are the compatible MOS(s) for the position. These compatible MOS(s) are listed as information for potential applicants and the selecting official. An applicant does not need to hold a compatible MOS in order to apply or to be selected. The individual selected for the vacancy will need to have the compatible MOS as their Duty MOS when they are placed into the Technician position. The selecting official is responsible to ensure that the selectee is "compatible" with their Duty MOS.
  • Q: How does the application process work?
    A: First you need to create an account with USAJOBS, with that account you will establish a profile that includes
    resumes, certificates, degrees, DD 214s, and any other required documents that may be needed for the vacancy in which you are applying for. Once you have a USAJOBS profile, you can search for the vacancy announcement or you can use the link provided by the HRO Staffer in emails that are sent out for open vacancies. Once you review the job announcement and you're eligible and meet the qualifications, you prepare your application in USAJOBS, include all supporting documents, answer the questionnaire, and once complete you submit to the agency. The hiring agency then reviews all applications, and statuses of those applications can be viewed in USAJOBS. After the review process is the interview process, which is determined by the "highest qualified" applicant based on agency policy. Interview scheduling may take some time depending on the number of people being interviewed. After the agency completes the interviews, they select a candidate and then prepares a written job offer with a proposed start date, in which the selectee must submit in writing, a response either accepting or declining the offer.
  • Q: Do I have to account for all time periods and explain all my experience for the last 10 years?
    A: No. The Office of Personnel Management only require that applicants list and concentrate on periods of time when they acquired experience relevant to the position for which application is being made.
  • Q: Since I hold a MOS specified on the Technician Vacancy Announcement as a compatible military assignment, will I automatically be considered as qualified?
    A: No. Even though a MOS is listed on the vacancy announcement under Military Assignment, it does not always mean that experience gained while assigned to that MOS is qualifying. A detailed explanation of the experience should be listed so that proper credit can be given for any of the experience that is determined to be qualifying.
  • Q: If I leave something out of my application/resume will the HRO let me know so that it can be included?
    A: No. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that their application/resume is, in accordance with the information provided on the vacancy announcement, complete. Once the application has been submitted in USAJOBS no changes can be made to the application or supporting documents.
  • Q: Do I need to contact HRO after a vacancy announcement that I applied for has closed to find out if I qualified, the status of the referral, if I was selected?
    A: No. If an individual does not meet the minimum qualifications for the position the status for that application will update in USAJOBS to show that they are not qualified for the position. If an individual meets the minimum qualification for the job then the status for that application will update in USAJOBS with a referral to the selecting official. If they are one of the highest qualified applicants they will be contacted for an interview by the selecting official. Once they have completed the interview they will be notified in writing, whether they were selected or not selected for the position.