Joint Force Headquarters


The Army National Guard Staff Element, Joint Force Headquarters - Virgin Islands (ARNG ELMT, JFHQ-VI) mission is to serve as The Senior Army National Guard Command and Control Element in support of the JFHQ- State for Army Units assigned to the State and Territory.

ARNG Elements provides trained, equipped, and ready forces capable of mobilizing in support of both Federal and State Missions. The concurrence of the State or Territory Governor, acts as needed as A Joint Task Force ( JTF) Headquarters under Northern Command ( USNORTHCOM ) control.

HHD Comander (340) 712-7753
First Sergeant (340) 712-7735
Readiness NCO (340) 713-5758
Human Resources NCO (340) 713-5759
Supply Sergeant (340) 712-7909

Joint Force Headquarters