The 104th Troop Command Detachment 

The 104th Special Troop Battalion, formerly the 104th Troop Command Detachment, provides command and control over the 210th Regional Training Institute, the 661st Military Police Company, the 51st Public Affairs Detachment, and the 104th Headquarters Company. The STB provides staff supervision over the 1/114th Aviation Detachment. 

The priorities of the 104th Special Troop Battalion set the efficiencies we gain, and our continuous improvements will be attained in keeping with our Army Values: loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. We continually measure ourselves and our success by our adherence to those values. We reflect the high standards to which the entire Virgin Islands National Guard adheres. The 104th STB has highly trained and competent Soldiers who support the subordinate units within the command. 



XO 340-712-7902
S4 340-712-7734
S3 340-712-7902
S1 340-712-7936
PROP ACCT TECH 340-712-8009
BATTALION CSM 340-712-7939

104TH Troop Command