FAMILY ASSISTANCE CENTERS: A One-Stop-Shop for Questions & Answers


The primary mission of a Family Assistance Center (FAC) is to inform, educate, and emotionally support families so that service members can perform their mission during times of deployment with the understanding that their families are well-taken care of.  The FAC is designed to be a focal point for families to get information and assistance with referral to the appropriate Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) or service agencies to meet the needs that are associated with the deployment or given situation.


We Provide Services to:

Support We Offer:
⮚ Service Members
⮚ Families
⮚ Command
⮚ Retirees
⮚ Community
❖ Crisis Intervention & Referral
❖ Legal Resource/Information & Referral
❖ Financial Resource/Information & Referral
❖ TRICARE Resource/Information & Referral
❖ ID cards & DEERS Information & Referral
❖ Community Resource/Information and  Referral
     with Family Outreach
❖ Emergency Family Assistance
❖ Exceptional Family Member Program

The Family Assistance Team conducts
Deployment and Reunion briefings to help
prepare families for the emotional
anxieties related to separation during
deployment and reintegration upon return.